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I often see fungi growing in the wild, and I wonder if they are edible or not. I never pick them though, which is probably due to having it drummed into me as a kid that some mushrooms are poisonous. I think many people have the same approach to fungi as me.Of course I am right to be cautious but if you are absolutely sure of the identity of a mushroom you can pick and eat them. However, you should always stick to varieties regarded as edible, and never deviate from this.
There are many edible species of mushroom found in the wild. The most common edible fungi are listed below.
Cultivated mushroom, Agaricus bisporus
Caesars mushroom, Amanita procera
Penny Bun Boletus, Boletus edulis
Chanterelle, Cantharellus cibaris
St Georges mushroom, Calocybe gambosa
Saggy ink cap, Coprinus comatus
Blewits, Lepista
Parasol mushroom, Macrolepiota procera
Fairy ring Champignon, Marasmius oreades
Oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus

However there are also some poisonous fungi such as the Death cap, that even if ingested in tiny amounts can still be fatal. Other fungi can cause stomach upsets and can have other unpleasant effects. If you suspect poisoning you must seek medical help immediately. You should advise on the variety eaten and how long ago it was ingested. The following fungi are the most poisonous, so learn to recognise them in order to avoid them.
Fly agaric, Amanita muscaria
The panther, Amanita pantherina
Death cap, Amanita phallooides
Spring amanita, Amanita verna
Ivory Clitocybe, Clitocye dealbata
Many Cortinarius species including
Marginate pholiota, Galerina unicolour.
Turban fungus, Gyromitra esculenta
All Inocybe species especially I.patouillardii
The small Lepiota spp
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