Wednesday 31 October 2012


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The oceans cover the majority of the Earths' surface.  In fact, over 70% of the planets surface is water.

Although all the oceans on Earth are connected this water is geographically divided into five oceans, the Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Southern Ocean. 

The Pacific Ocean is the biggest of all.  It reaches northward from the Southern Ocean to the Arctic Ocean in the gap between Australia, Asia, North America and Oceania. It meets the Atlantic south of South America at Cape Horn.

The Atlantic Ocean, the second biggest, extends from the Southern Ocean between South America, Africa, North America and Europe, to the Arctic Ocean. The Atlantic meets the Indian Ocean south of Africa at Cape Agulhas.

The Indian Ocean extends northward from the Southern Ocean to India, between Africa and Australia. The Indian Ocean joins the Pacific Ocean to the west, near Australia.

The Southern Ocean surrounds Antarctica. Parts of the Southern Ocean are covered in sea ice, the extent of which varies according to the season. It is the second smallest of the five oceans.

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the five. It joins the Atlantic near Greenland and Iceland, and the Pacific at the Bering Strait. It is on the North Pole.  Parts of the Arctic Ocean are covered in sea ice, the extent of which varies according to the season. 

Ocean Facts

  • Surface Area of the Planet (510,066,000 sq km) 
  • Land Area on the Planet (148,647,000 sq km) 29.1%
  • Ocean Area (335,258,000 sq km) 
  • Total Water Area (361,419,000 sq km) 70.9%
  • Type of Water (97% salt), (3% fresh)

Oceans by size
  • 1. Pacific (155,557,000 sq km) 
  • 2. Atlantic (76,762,000 sq km) 
  • 3. Indian (68,556,000 sq km) 
  • 4. Southern (20,327,000 sq km) 
  • 5. Arctic (14,056,000 sq km) 

Greatest depths in the oceans
  • Mariana Trench, Pacific 35,827 ft 
  • Puerto Rico Trench, Atlantic 30,246 ft 
  • Java Trench, Indian 24,460 ft 
  • Arctic Basin, Arctic 18,456 ft 
  • Southern Ocean, 23,737 ft 

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Cuttlefish are molluscs.  They belong to the marine order Sepiida and class Cephalopoda, along with octopuses, squid and nautiluses. But rather than living in the open water like squid they stick close to the ground. 

They get their name from the strange cuttle bone, an internal shell that runs along the length of their body.  This bone is porous and made of aragonite. It provides buoyancy to the cuttlefish, which is regulated by a change of gas to liquid ratio in the chamber. Cuttlefish bone is often collected on the beach and sold in pet shops as a dietary aid to caged parrots and birds as it is high in calcium. 

Cuttlefish have eight arms and two tentacles, which are covered with tiny tentacle suckers. They often weigh several kilograms but the largest species, Sepia apama, can weigh over 10 kg (23 llb).  They range in size from 15 to 25 cm but can reach 50 cm in length.

Cuttlefish move mainly by a fin line that runs around their entire body.  They feed on small molluscs, shrimp, crabs, octopuses and other small sea creatures.  Like octopuses cuttlefish are capable of sudden colour changes, which they use as camouflage and also to signal their moods. They control their colour through groups of red, black, brown and yellow pigment cells called chromatophores.  Each square millimetre of the skin is covered with up to 200 of these specialised colour changing cells.

Cuttlefish can live up to two years.  They are intelligent creatures, having the largest brain to body ratio of all the invertebrates. Each species is distinctive in its shape, size and pattern of ridges. They have sophisticated eyes and distinctive ‘w’ shaped pupils, which means that they cannot see colour but can see forward and backwards. Like their cousins the octopus and squid, cuttlefish also have ink which they use to help evade predators.

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Tuesday 30 October 2012


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The Dead Sea borders Israel and Jordan and is one of the worlds smallest seas. It is famous for its scrolls and high salt content, which is six times higher than the ocean.  In fact it is so salty that it can easily support the body weight of sea bathers.

A sea is part of the ocean that is partially enclosed by land.  The Dead Sea is located on a rift where two of the Earths plates are slowly spreading apart. This means that the Dead Sea is continuing to sink lower every year, and is in fact the lowest place on Earth at 400 meters (1,320 feet) below sea level.

All landlocked bodies of salt water have an increased salinity than the oceans, although the Dead Sea is exceptionally salty. The high salt levels are partly due to high transpiration levels.  Water is released from the sea through evaporation, which occurs rapidly in the hot temperatures, and leaves behind any dissolved minerals in the sea. In addition there are several rivers that flow into the sea but none that drain out.  This ensures that nutrients continue to be washed into the sea.  The minerals that flow into it stay there forever.

The Dead Sea has fast become one of the world’s leading centres of healthy living. Many people with all kinds of health issues come from far and wide just to spend a few days revitalizing their bodies.

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Why is the Dead Sea so salty?
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What is the Gulf Stream?

Friday 26 October 2012


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Oceans and seas make up 70% of the Earths' surface. The terms ‘sea’ and ‘ocean’ are often used interchangeably when speaking about the ocean.  In Geographical terms there is a difference.  A sea is a smaller division of water attached to the ocean.  Seas are part of the ocean that are partially enclosed by land.  They are smaller than oceans and typically located where the land and ocean meet.  

It is often said that sailors sail the seven seas of the world, but is this an accurate representation of the amount of seas on the Earth? There are in fact 108 seas (including the five oceans) on the planet.  They vary immensely in size and have different characteristics.  

The Dead Sea borders Israel and Jordan. It is famous for its scrolls and high salt content, which is six times higher than the ocean.  The high salt levels are due to high transpiration levels and because there are two rivers that flow into the sea but there is no outlet from it.  This ensures that nutrients continue to be washed into the sea.

The red sea is not actually red, but may get its name from a type of algae called Trichodesmium erythraeum, which is found in the sea. When these blooms of algae die off they appear to turn the blue-green colour of the ocean to a reddish-brown.  

The Black sea is almost completely cut off from the world's other seas and ocean. The Black Sea is the world's most isolated sea-connected to the Oceans via the Mediterranean Sea through the Bosphorus, Dardanelle and Gibraltar straits. The deepest waters of the Black Sea extend to depths of well over two kilometres.

The largest area of water is the Pacific ocean, which takes up more than a third of the planets surface.  The smallest sea in the world is the Sea of Marmara, connecting the Black and Mediterranean Seas.  It has an area of 11,350 km².

Seas of the World
Adriatic SeaAegean SeaAland SeaAki-nadaAlboran SeaAmakusa-nadaAmundsen SeaAndaman SeaArabian SeaArafura SeaAral SeaArctic OceanAtlantic OceanBaie d'HudsonBakor SeaBalearic SeaBali SeaBaltic SeaBanda SeaBarents SeaBay of BengalBeaufort SeaBellingshausen SeaBering SeaBingo-nadaBismarck SeaBlack SeaBohol SeaBulkhead RipCamotes SeaCape RipCaribbean SeaCaspian SeaCelebes SeaCeltic SeaCeram SeaChosŏndong-haeChukchi SeaClement RapidsCoral SeaDaryā-ye KhazarDaryā-ye KhezerDaryā-ye MāzandarānDaryā-ye ‘OmmānDavis SeaDent RapidsDicks RipDumont d'Urville, MerEast China SeaEast Siberian SeaEastern ChopsEastern MediterraneanFlores SeaGalloway Rapids, Genkai-nadaGreene Point RapidsGreenland SeaGulf of MexicoHalmahera SeaHarima-nadaHibiki-nadaHiuchi-nadaHyŏnji-haeHyūga-nadaIndian RiverInland SeaIonian SeaIrish SeaItsuki-nadaIyo-nadaJava SeaJiuzhou YangKalupag SeaKara SeaKashima-nadaKhalkidhikón Pélagos,, Kong Håkon VII HavKoro SeaKosmonavtovKumano-nadaLabrador SeaLaccadive SeaLandmeenLaptev SeaLaut LeparLazareva, Leading TicklesLigurian SeaLincoln SeaLong RipLuzon SeaMaotou YangMawson SeaMcKinley SeaMediterranean SeaMeiyu YangMer d' EmeraudeMer de LincolnMer du LabradorMindanao SeaMizushima-nadaMolucca SeaMoore RipMyrtóön PélagosNakwakto RapidsNorth SeaNorthwest RipNorthwest StraitsNorwegian SeaOuter Bald RipP'eng-hu WanPacific OceanPechorskoyePhilippine SeaPollock RipPrince Gustaf Adolf SeaPutuo YangQizhou YangQueen Victoria SeaQuoddy RiverRed SeaRiser-Larsena, Ross SeaSaaristomeriSalish SeaSamar SeaSargasso SeaSavu SeaScotch CornerScotia SeaSea of AzovSea of CreteSea of JapanSea of MarmaraSea of OkhotskSea of the HebridesShag Harbour RipShantarskoyeShort RipSibuyan SeaSodruzhestva, Solomon SeaSomova, South China SeaSouth Pacific OceanSulu SeaSuō-nadaTail of the RipTasman SeaThálassa CheimarrasThale PhuketThe HospitalThe OverfallsThe RipThe SwirlersThe TittleThimble, TicklesThrakikón PelagósTimor SeaTosa-wanTyrrhenian SeaUwa-kaiVirsko, Visayan SeaWandel HavWeddell SeaWestern MediterraneanWhirlpool Rapids,White SeaWilsons RipYellow Sea.

Tuesday 23 October 2012


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The terms ‘sea’ and ‘ocean’ are often used interchangeably when speaking about the ocean.  But what is the difference between them?

In Geographical terms there is a difference.  A sea is a smaller division of water attached to the ocean.  Seas are part of the ocean that are partially enclosed by land.  They are smaller than oceans and typically located where the land and ocean meet.  

There are five oceans, consisting of the Pacific ocean, Atlantic ocean, Indian Ocean, Artic ocean and Southern ocean.

There are 108 seas including the Mediterranean sea and black sea.